

The Bachelor and Master's degree courses offered from  DST, in accordance with the strategic guidelines of the University, promote the international mobility of its students.


In particular, to encourage participation in Erasmus programmes or other equivalent activities abroad, they are planned:

- the awarding of up to 2 points in the evaluation of the graduation exam

- validation of foreign laboratory practice activities for optional 3rd year laboratory courses

- the organisation of information meetings for those interested in participating in Erasmus calls.

Referents for the Internationalization of the Department are:

- Prof.ssa Lorella Maria Teresa CANZONIERO

- Prof.ssa Paola REVELLINO

- Prof.ssa Elena SILVESTRI

 The functions of the contact persons for internationalization are:

- to promote and publicize opportunities for students and professors/researchers  to carry out research and/or didactic training experiences abroad;

- to promote and publicize the educational, didactic and research opportunities that foreign students and professors  can be offered in Uni Sannio;

- for the purposes of compiling the SUA-RD, provides information on the number of outgoing and incoming students and professors; monitors bureaucratic/administrative procedures and their effectiveness; highlights criticalities and points for improvement of the Department's internationalization strategies.



Erasmus (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is a European Union student mobility programme, which allows for a period of study abroad legally recognised by the University to which the student belongs. Erasmus Plus is the European Union's programme for education, training, youth and sport 2014-2020. Approved by EU Regulation 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, it combines all the funding mechanisms implemented by the European Union until 2013:

- the Lifelong Learning Programme (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig)

- youth in action

- the five international cooperation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and the bilateral cooperation programme with industrialised countries)

- It also includes Jean Monnet activities and significant support for sport.

- The Integrated Programme thus promotes an overview of available grant opportunities, aims to facilitate access and promotes synergies between different sectors, removing barriers between different types of projects and stimulating new forms of cooperation.

- For more information, please consult the International Reports section on the University website


Double Degree

The Double Degree program allows the simultaneous achievement of a double degree: one issued by the University of Sannio and one issued by a foreign university partner, at the end of a training course that provides a prolonged study experience abroad. Within the various  Degree courses of the University of Sannio there are double degree programs, the result of agreements with prestigious foreign universities.

The Department of Science and Technology and the University of Coimbra (Portugal) have signed an agreement aimed at allowing students of the Master's Degree in Biology to obtain a double degree valid in Italy and Portugal.


Mobility and international cooperation

The University of Sannio recognizes international mobility as an instrument for the development of scientific and cultural knowledge and for personal and professional growth. It promotes the outgoing mobility of its students, professors and technical-administrative staff, adhering to the most important international mobility programmes, developing relations with universities and foreign host companies and encouraging the participation of all components of the university environment.

Since 2002, the University has been home to the "ESN (European Student Network) Maleventum" (, an association of students among the most active of the ESN Network in Italy and Europe, which guides and welcomes incoming and outgoing students also through the organization of cultural, sporting and social events.

As part of the collaboration activities with foreign bodies, in the academic year 2018-2019, 2 students from MIT in Boston (USA) were hosted at the DST to carry out one-month internships thanks to a programme signed by MIT and the Sannio University. The students carried out specific projects on innovative topics in the field of Physiology and Statistics.


Visiting Professor

The status of visiting professor is granted to a scholar of international scientific reputation called to collaborate with a structure of the University, also in partnership with other universities in specific projects, for a maximum period of three months, to carry out activities related to research and / or teaching.


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The CLAUS University Language Centre, which coordinates and develops the teaching, scientific and service activities related to the teaching and learning of foreign languages and Italian L2 for all the students of the Sannio University and for the Socrates/Erasmus students.