Research quality


DST promotes the continuous improvement of the quality of research and research structures. The DST implements its own policy for quality assurance (QA) by adhering to the University's quality system for research, according to the legislative provisions and indications of the ANVUR.

The QA is mainly based on the monitoring of the project activities of the researchers and their scientific production which, using bibliometric and non-bibliometric internationally recognized criteria, allows a qualitative assessment and, at the same time, the timely identification of strengths and critical issues. This allows the definition and implementation of strategies to determine an increase in performance.


The DST has established a series of internal incentive measures for research which consist of: the awarding of the University Research Funds; in financially supporting the activities of some researchers in case of need due to temporary lack of research funds or for participation in competitive tenders; in the particular visibility of some research articles on the website selected by the Research Committee.


The DST has participated in evaluation campaigns so far promoted by ANVUR such as:


VQR - Research Quality Assessment

SUA-RD - Single Annual Report-Departmental Research