Third Mission quality


DST promotes the continuous improvement of the quality of the third mission (TM).

The QA is mainly based on the monitoring of the researchers' Third Mission activities and on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the initiatives undertaken, in order to monitor their coherence with the strategic programmatic choices and to assess the impact of the third mission activities on social development , cultural and economic, also in relation to the specificities and needs of the territory. This allows the definition and implementation of strategies to determine an increase in performance.


The DST has participated in evaluation campaigns so far promoted by ANVUR which:


SUA-TM - Single Annual Report - Third Mission

Programmazione e valutazione interna

Documenti descrittivi delle politiche di programmazione e valutazione del Dipartimento nell'ambito della Terza Missione:

Piano Triennale della Terza Missione

Verbali della Commissione per la Terza Missione

Analisi e monitoraggio dei risultati