Introduction to the DST

ex Enel

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) is active in the fields of  Biological Sciences, Biotechnologies and Geological Sciences.

HISTORY: The DST was founded  in 2013, after the fusion of the  two pre-existing Departments belonging to the former Faculty of Sciences:  the Departments of Biological and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Geological and Environmental Studies.
The main activities of the Department are Research, Didactics and  the so called Third Mission.

RESEARCH: The main research interests  of the DST, cover several  areas of Biology, Geology, and Environmental Sciences. Research activities also regard bioiformatics, macromolecular chemistry, mathemathical analysis, statistics and physics. The DST maintains scientific relations with various italian and foreign universities and with numerous national and international research centers  

DIDACTICS: The interdisciplinary nature of the DST allows several study programmes in the fields of  biological, biotechnological and geological sciences. Moreover, the department is actively participating in the "Erasmus" community program.
In the STUDY PROGRAMMES section you will find all the information on the undergraduated and graduated courses activated at the DST.

THIRD MISSION: The DST carries out numerous activities aimed at the the support of the economic, social and cultural development of the community. Knowledge transfer, certified permanent training, development and technological transfer, thanks also to the many agreements with national and international organizations signed in the latest years, are the main goals of the Department Third Mission. In the Third Mission section you can find all the information on the activities carried out.


The DST is responsible for different resources and spaces. Several rooms are available for Didactics activities, institutional meetings, meetings and seminars.